Thursday, June 19, 2008

Chapter Four of Remember Me

Chapter Four
There was no way I was going to sleep that night. Every thought was filled with Jane. I tossed and turned as a new thought of her and that night came to mind. The one that always came back to me was the fact that she ran away from her boyfriend when he pushed her into compromising her morals. It was as if she was actually a Christian. Not saying that she wasn’t, I mean she did go to church. But then again how many teenagers these days were actually Christian going to church and not just “playing” church. But at least she had morals for that matter. I kept tossing in my sleep and eventually gave up. I sat up in my bed, leaned over to my side table to turn the light on and grab my journal and a pen, and then began to write. It would be the first letter Jane-Elizabeth Swan would receive from me.

A few miles away…

That was it. I wasn’t getting any sleep tonight. I mean how could I? As you may remember I did about get raped tonight and then who comes to my rescue?
None other than Mr. Henry Lefroy.
What was up with that guy anyways? What was he like 20? So that means a three year differences between us. That wasn’t that bad really considering the fact I would turn 18 before the year was over. So a little over two years really. Not bad.
Wait what was I thinking? I couldn’t possibly be considering taking him up on his offer to take me to coffee? Well then again what would it hurt? No! I can’t think like this.
Boyfriend or no boyfriend.
Not that there was anything wrong with Henry. He wasn’t bad looking. In fact he was kind of good looking if you ask me. He had sort of wavy brown hair that was cut short but complemented his face nicely. His skin tone was a light caramel color that contrasted well with his green eyes that always had a sparkle to them. He was also built nicely. Definitely in shape but not over the top muscular, which I liked better. To be honest I could almost see myself with him.
Whoa! I draw the line there.
How could I possibly be thinking these kind of things? Just because I was single again didn’t mean I had to look to the first guy I saw. Then again what was up with me tonight? I hardly know Henry Lefroy and was telling him things I wouldn’t even tell my own mother. It was like he had some sort of force over me and it just made me tell him. But after I left his car I found myself not the least concerned about him telling anyone. It was a feeling of security almost. As if I knew that I could trust him when I hardly knew him at all.
With that thought in mind I realized one other thing. That wasn’t the last I saw of Henry Lefroy. And for some reason, I wasn’t bothered by that.

Back over to Henry…

By two in the morning I had finished the letter. I ripped it out of my journal and folded it in half writing Jane’s name on top. After I was done sealing it I placed the letter, my journal, and my pen back on my side table and turned out the light. I fell back on my pillow staring at the ceiling. Still as I lay there sleep was avoiding me. No matter how hard I tired I couldn’t sleep. I looked back over to my side table where the letter to Jane sat. I could hardly make it out in the dark but it was there. Finally the idea popped into my head.
Next thing I knew I was dressed and jogging over to Jane’s house. There was no way I would go inside or even consider leaving it on the front porch but I did have a plan. She had her own car so I would simply leave the letter, which was in closed in a plastic bag, on her windshield in hopes that she would find it the next day. Although it would be Saturday and she would be going to school. Still I had no choice but hope she would find it.
I looked down at my watch once I reached Jane’s house and noticed it was nearly 3:30 am. I carefully and silently placed the letter on the windshield of her light blue BMW and then slowly walked off.
She would find it the next day. I was sure of it. And if she didn’t then there was always Sunday at church. No matter something inside me just knew that she would find it.

Meanwhile in Jane’s bedroom…

Sleep finally caught up to me but left again at 4 in the morning. I had hardly any sleep that night and was still lacking the ability to go back to sleep. And every time I woke back up the first person I thought of was always the same as before.
Henry Lefroy.
What was it about this man that had me up all night? I had already made my mind up the last time I woke up, which was at 3 am, that I would not think about him anymore and he would be nothing except a friend to me, if that. I wasn’t ready to let anyone else in my life, especially Henry Lefroy.
Henry was a biblical man. A very strong Christian, as my mother called him. As for me. I was no where near even being considered a strong Christian. In fact my parents sometimes doubted I was even a Christian. Yes, I knew God existed, wasn’t that enough? It had to be, at least for now; I wasn’t ready for any type of commitment to one religion. Besides I did go to church and to me that was over doing it. Basically we just weren’t right for each other.
As I sat there lying in my bed looking up at the ceiling I finally got an idea. Maybe all I need to fall asleep was some fresh air. That was it. I just need to step outside or even just open the doors of my balcony and breathe in some air.
I got up and headed over towards my balcony which faced the front yard. I had a chair on the balcony so I could sit out side on nights like this and take in the fall air. It was peaceful and my own sanctuary; my own escape. I sat on my chair and laid my head back looking up at the stars. They were shinning brighter than usually tonight. It was almost breath taking. I slowly closed my eyes and just let the soft wind blow my hair in anyway it wanted.
After a few minutes outside I decided to head back to bed. I was now at peace and could finally sleep. As I got up from my chair I looked over to my car and that’s when I saw it. There was something white on my windshield. What on earth was that?
Being the anxious person that I am, I quietly walked down the steps of my house and slowly opened the front door. Once it was open enough so I could squeeze through I ran lightly over to where my car stood. Sure enough there was something on my windshield so I wasn’t dreaming that little detail. As I got closer I realized it was a piece of paper inside a plastic bag. I removed the bag and whatever was inside it from my car and started to walk back into the house. Halfway to the door I had successfully opened the bag and pulled out the piece of paper. It was folded in half and on the front had my name scribbled on top. The hand writing was not something I recognized.
I was up in my bedroom by the time I got the courage to open the note. As I opened the piece of paper my eyes flew to the bottom of the page to see who it was from. And you would never guess who sent it either.
Henry Lefroy.
Was I dreaming? I must have been dreaming. There was no way that Henry Lefroy had written me a letter. It was just impossible. Besides I had just seen him that night so when on earth would he have had the chance to place it on my car. Unless he too wasn’t getting any sleep tonight as well. Maybe he was up thinking about me also?
No I couldn’t think like that.
There was no way that any man even remotely similar to Henry Lefroy would ever look at me twice. Besides after tonight what would he think of me? Probably as the girl who almost got raped by her boyfriend and then was stupid enough to start to walk home. Not to mention the first time I met him. I was so rude even when I was trying to be some what polite to the guy. There was no way this could possibly be from him. But the paper didn’t lie. There it was at the bottom of the page, his very own signature.
I was so mesmerized by the fact that the letter was from Henry I didn’t even bother read it. I lay back on my bed looking at the letter but in the few minutes that it took me to realize that it was in fact from Henry; sleep took over and I was drifting off. The last thing I heard was the paper slowly falling from my hand, and with the breeze still coming in from my balcony, it slowly glided to my bedroom floor.
When I finally regain conciseness again I rolled my head over to look at the clock. It was 10 in the morning. Finally I was able to fall asleep. I slowly got up from my bed and swung my feet to the floor. My foot slowly grazed upon a piece of paper and that’s when I remember Henry’s letter. Everything started to kick into gear and I fell to the floor in search of his note. Within a minute I had recovered it and was back on my feet. I walked back out to my balcony and sat down on my chair looking at the way he had written my name. His handwriting was so unique and elegant. Like nothing I had ever seen before. But once again my anxiousness got the better of me and I was soon unfolding the letter to see its content. It was rather short but sweet.

Dear Jane,
Where do I begin? I don’t know if you felt anything last night but I sure did. It has had me up all night. I really think we should talk some time. I understand if you are upset about your ex-boyfriend and want some time away from the guy department but I would love to have coffee with you some time. Please don’t reject me again so soon and consider. I won’t try to pull anything on you. I simply would like to be friends. Maybe after church sometime we could grab a bite to eat. I also wanted to apologize to you about what happen the other night. I can’t even fathom how you must be feeling right now. And don’t worry your secret is safe with me. If you would like to get together sometime just let me know. My phone number is 820-392-3920. Call anytime.

I read the letter probably over five times trying to read into anything he had written. By the looks of it all he wanted was to sit down and talk. I could do that. But if he wanted anything more then I would draw the line there. There was no way I would be able to handle it. I walked back into my room and picked up my phone. Note to self: run over to Jason’s house to pick up purse. I dialed his number and waiting for an answer.
“Hey, Henry, umm…it’s Jane.”

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