Thursday, June 19, 2008

Chapter Three of Remember Me

Chapter Three
So let’s go over what I’ve lost so far. The cheerleading team and the title of student body president. Not so bad I guess. But it’s all because of a grade? One little F really can turn a girl’s world upside down sometimes. Well no matter, it does take away some stress. Which is always good, right? Yes it is. And besides I still have Chloe and most important, Jason. And he was still planning something for Friday night. Gosh I wish I knew what he has in stored for us. It drives me insane not knowing.
So now here I am sitting in Calculus, again, it’s Friday, and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to sit in this seat much longer. I’m about to jump up now and scream just to get it all over with. But I must be patient. Now if only the clock would move a little faster then I would be perfectly happy to be patient. But no it won’t so no I’m not going to sit here happily and wait patiently. It’s the way I am.
The rest of the day continued like that. Slow and boring. I was considering skipping my last class so I could race home and start getting ready. But then I realized that my last class was a college English class and my parents literally would kill me if I skipped. So I stayed. Sadly though we had a pop quiz on the reading that was assigned the night before and I was too busy talking to Jason to read last night so I pretty much failed the quiz. But it was only a quiz so no harm done.
Finally school was over and I was free to go home and start getting ready. It wasn’t anything too fancy is what Jason had told me so I need not worry to be all dressed up unless I wanted to. Which I didn’t. There was no point in wasting a perfectly dressy outfit if we didn’t have to go anywhere fancy. So instead I compromised with a cute jean skirt and a light blue tank top that made my eyes stand out. I showered first and decided to wear my hair down. Jason liked it that way anyways. Then finished getting ready. I concentrated so hard on my make up and making sure that my clothes showed off as much skin as possible that by the time I was done Jason was already there to pick me up. Excited about what he had planned for us I ran down the stairs, grabbed my purse, slipped on my rainbows and ran outside.
“Wow, babe, even in the simplest things you still look beautiful,” Jason complimented me as I approached him leaning up against his car.
“Thanks,” I reached up to kiss his lips and then pulled away before my father walked out of the house, “Let’s go so I can actually kiss you.”
“Fine by me.”
He opened my door for me and then got in the car himself. Once he started up the engine he speed off so quickly my hair started blowing all around my face.
“Gosh, that hair of yours, it takes my breath away.”
“Oh shut up, it drives me insane sometimes.”
“Same here, except in a good way. Did I tell you that you look beautiful?”
“Yes, suck up, where are we going anyways?”
He smiled that sexy smile I loved so much and turned his face towards the road.
“It’s a surprise.”
I couldn’t stand surprises. How could he do this to me? Well, whatever he was planning it better be good or else some one was going to be in trouble. We kept on driving and we’re now on a road I didn’t realize. Where was he taking me? Well at least the view was amazing. There was a huge valley with a river beside the road and mountains all around the scene. I followed the river up towards the mountain and saw a beautiful waterfall. It was incredible. Finally I realized the car was stopped.
“Jason, it’s beautiful. How did you find this place?”
“I have my ways, Jane, besides it’s only the best for my best girl.”
I looked over at him and smiled. We were still in the car and I wanted to go over to the river and put my feet in. I reached for the door and the second I opened it I could smell the September air blow through my hair.
“Where are you going little missy?” Jason called at me from his car. He was starting to get out as well and follow me.
“To the river. How can you sit in a car when nature is around you looking as beautiful as ever?”
That was my thing. Nature. I wasn’t that big of a fan of it but it was my secret love. I would love to just run through a field of flowers and then fall on a grassy hill top and read all day. No one knew this side of me, not even my own family. It was one of those things I kept hidden from everyone.
I finally reached the river and slipped my rainbows off to dip my foot in the river. It was cool and so clear. Then there were two arms wrapped around my waste and a head resting on my shoulder. That’s when I realized I wasn’t alone and that my perfect and wonderful boyfriend had brought me here. To my own personal escape. If only I could give him something. Anything he wanted. He was just so perfect.
“Do you like it, Jane?”
“Like it? I love it! It’s so beautiful here. Thank you.”
“Jane, I wouldn’t trade the world for you. I wish I could give you everything you have ever wanted and meet your ever wish. I guess what I mean to say is…that…Jane…I love you.”
He loved me? Did Jason just say what I think he said? I looked up into his eyes and saw the happiness that was always there. He had said it. And I could tell he meant it. No guy has ever told me that they loved me. But now here was Jason. Perfect in every way and he loved me. I always got what I wanted.
“Oh Jason, I love you too. You’re perfect and exactly what I need. I only wish I could give you what you wanted.”
“The only thing I want is you.”
And then he kissed me. Not like most kisses that we had shared together. It was a passionate kiss filled with love and hope. I threw my arms around his neck as he tightened his hold around my waste. I don’t even remember how it happened but we ended up on the ground laughing. Jason was on top of me looking down into my blue eyes. I could tell in his face he was happy but as he started to look me up and down his smile started to change. It wasn’t a smile I was use to. He started kissing me again and I kissed him back.
That’s when it happened.
I could feel his hand slowly go from my neck to down to my waste. I thought he was going to stop there but he then started reaching for the buckle of my skirt. That’s when everything started clicking in my head. The only reason he had brought me here. The only reason he wanted to date me. The only thing left of me that was still remotely Christian in a way.
The fact that I was a virgin.
He had started to un-buckle my skirt when I pushed his lips off mine. He was stronger than me so he simply grabbed both of my wrists and pulled my hands over my head and continued kissing me. I tired to move my face out of the way and get my lips in a spot where I could talk. He finally gave up kissing my lips and went for my neck.
“Jason stop.” I was still struggling to get my hands free and he was still holding me down and working on my buckle. Finally I remembered my knee. I threw it up and kneed him in “the spot.” He stopped messing with my buckle and rolled off me to grab his guts but he still had both of my wrists.
“What was that for?”
“I told you I’m not like that. We are not doing this. Just because you said you loved me does not mean that I’m going to have sex with you.”“Come on, Jane, please. All the guys at school already think we’ve done it. Might as well not lie about it anymore.”
“NO! I told you back when we first started dating that I wouldn’t do anything like this with you. That still stands now. Just because you started some lie that you can’t get rid of doesn’t mean I’m going to have sex with you so you don’t have to lie. You started this lie in the first place.”
“Jane, I love you, doesn’t that mean anything?”
“It did. When I thought you meant it. Now it means nothing. You only say it because you want to do it with me.”
“So what? Is there a difference?”
“YES JASON! Now let go of me so I can go home.”
“Excuse me? I said Jason, let go. NOW!”
“No. I brought you here to get something and I intend to get it. You did say you wish you could give me what I want. Well I want it, Jane, and you can give it to me. In fact you will give it to me, RIGHT NOW!”
He pushed me back on the ground and instead of kissing me and went straight for his buckle. He had his pants down in less than a minute and I looked away trying to figure out how to get away. Then he grabbed my skirt. I tired to move away, which I did, but this only made his anger worse. He ripped at my skirt and elbowed him in the face. Finally with the hand he had been holding both of my wrists he grabbed his face and held it. Realizing my hands were free I punched him in the face again and that knocked him off of me. I scrambled to get up but he grabbed my ankle knocking me down again. I kicked and threw my arms at his face and was finally free. Jason was lying on the ground and I was standing up.
“Oh, in case you didn’t realize it, we’re over. It’s done. And don’t come crawling back to me again.”
That’s when I started to run.
Jason was a fast runner and I knew that. But I could out run him any day. As I ran I looked back one last time and he was still on the ground holding his gut. Served him right if you ask me.
I turned back around and looked ahead to see where I would run to. Jason still had his keys with him so I couldn’t very well take his car. So instead I just ran. I kept my pace because I knew it would be a long walk home and it wouldn’t be smart if I ran out of energy. I looked back one last time just to see how far I had gone. Well where ever Jason was I couldn’t see him. I decided to start walking a little just to conserve some energy once I realized where I was.
It started to get dark and I knew that my father would be yelling at me when I got home. That is, if I got home. It was then that I realized I didn’t grab my purse out of Jason’s car. How on earth could I forget my purse? I’d probably be home by now if I had my cell phone.
Just then I saw some head lights coming up behind me casting my shadow on the pavement. Great Jason’s caught up with me. Better start running again. Just then the car speed up in front of me and it wasn’t Jason’s car. It stopped a few feet in front of me and someone started to get out
“Well, I didn’t think I would see you again,” The voice was familiar but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out who it was. But I did realize it was a man. “Remember me? Henry Lefroy? From church.”
I stopped right where I was and looked up at the man that tired to ask me out last Sunday. What on earth was he doing here?

Earlier that same day…

Edward was laying on the couch watching a movie for his college class when he blurted out, “Ok I’m bored.”
“Well then do something,” James replied. James wasn’t really good with the advice giving so I got up from the love seat and headed for the kitchen. It was then that I passed the hunting magazine that Edward had been looking at earlier that week.
“How about some camping?”
They both looked up at me from the couches with that look that tells a guy he’s an idiot.
“What? It’ll be fun.”
“Yeah and where do you plan on camping at, Henry?”
I stopped for a second. Where could we camp at? Then a place came to mind. I had remembered a place as I was driving in just off of I-21. It looked very peaceful and also a good place to camp. Maybe we could even bring some things to go fishing or hunting.
She’ll be there, beloved, and she’ll need some help.
God, are you talking about Jane?
Yes, my son, she will be in trouble.
What can I do? She doesn’t want anything to do with me.
Trust me.
“I think I know a place guys. It’s just off of I-21. We could even go hunting? Or even fishing?”
James and Edward looked at each other and then looked back at me. Edward gave me a smile and a little head shack and that told me they were in.
“Alrighty then. Let’s get moving.”
We got our stuff together and packed it all in the back of my SUV. Edward jumped in the front and James in the back while I headed for the drivers door. By the time we were on the road it had taken us nearly an hour to get everything packed. Note to self: make plans with Edward and James ahead of time.
As we started driving down the road I started thinking about what God had told me. She’d be in trouble? But how? And why would she be out in the woods? All these thoughts and plenty more kept rushing through my head. It started to get dark and I was having a hard time finding our camping site. It had to be around here somewhere didn’t it?
“Henry, give up, we can’t find it,” Edward had broken my concentration.
All of a sudden there was a figure walking on the side of the rode. It was a girl! She looked back at us and had a relieved look on her face. That’s when I noticed it. Those eyes were so familiar. It was Jane. I drove a little pass her but then stopped on the side of the road. What was she doing out here?
As I reached for my door handle Edward caught my arm, “Dude, what are you doing?”
“Ed, it’s Jane, she could be in trouble.”
“Who cares? Leave her to deal with her own crap. You were the one who said she didn’t want anything to do with you.”
“Ed, I’m not just going to leave the poor girl walking in the dark. She probably has no idea where she is. Get over yourself.”
“Whatever man, you’re making a big mistake.”
“I can live with that; now get in the back with James.”
I stepped out of the car and looked back towards Jane. She was standing perfectly still looking at me as if trying to make out who I was. I decided I should say something to her.
“Well I didn’t think I would see you again,” She kept looking at me still confused on who I was, “Remember Me? Henry Lefroy? From church.”
Right then it all clicked and she realized who I was.
“What in the world are you doing here?” apparently she wasn’t happy to see me.
“I was going to go camping with my brother and his friend. What are you doing out here in the dark? And alone?”
“That is none of your business.”
God, how am I suppose to help a girl who doesn’t want help?
Trust me, beloved.
“Look, I just thought you might want a ride home seeing that you were alone, but if you rather would walk then fine by me.”
I turned back around and headed over to my car waiting for her to call for me. Sure enough she did.
“Hey wait.”
“Yes?” I turned back to face her trying to hide the smile on my face.
“You really would give me a ride?”
“Yes, I would. I wasn’t just going to let you walk all the way home.”
“Thanks. Can I have a ride?”
She looked down at her feet, obliviously embarrassed that she needed to ask. Then out of no where I noticed her cheeks slowly grew red.
“Come on. Get in. You can take the front seat. Ed already hopped in the back.”
She walked over to the other side of my car and got into the passenger seat. That’s when I realized her skirt was ripped a little and she had a little dirt on her face. There was some grass in her long hair and she didn’t have anything with her except herself and her shoes which she held in her left hand. As soon as she was settled into the car she slipped her flip flops back onto her feet and buckled herself into the car, still holding her skirt together with her right hand.
“If you don’t mind me asking,” she shot me a glance out of the corner of her eyes as I spoke which I ignored, “What happened to you?”
She looked forward ignoring my gaze and kept her lips tightly pressed together. Apparently she wasn’t going to speak. I turned my attention back to the road; deciding to give her some space. After about five minutes, not that I was counting, she spoke.
“I was out with my boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend.”
“He broke up with you?”
“No I broke up with him.”
“Why were you walking? He wouldn’t give you a ride?”
“No I ran away from him.”
“OK I’m confused. If you broke up with him then why would you run away from him? Was he mad?”
“Yeah, he was mad,” her voice sounded a little sarcastic as if there was a joke I wasn’t catching onto.
“He was mad you broke up with him?”
“No,” she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. There was a slight tear falling down her cheek and I could tell she didn’t want to talk anymore. She turned her face towards the window as if she didn’t want me to see she was crying.
“Hey, I’m sorry I brought it up. We don’t have to talk about it. Please don’t cry,” I tired to sound encouraging.
“It’s not that,” she sniffed, “He tired to rape me. Well actually he wanted me to have sex with him but when I wouldn’t then he tired to rape me.”
“I ran away.”
“Oh,” no wonder she was in trouble. Then everything started clicking in my head. This girl sitting next to me was suppose to be my future wife, just as God had said, and some guy tired to rape her. Anger started to build up inside my heart and I wanted to find the kid and give him a piece of my mind. But I knew that would probably lead to things I didn’t want to get into now. The rest of the car ride was silent and once we got to our neighborhood, she started to give me directions to her house. I got her home by 11 and she thanked me for the ride. She wasn’t late so her parent’s wouldn’t totally flip out on her. Once she reached her front door and made it safely inside I pulled away and headed back towards my own house. Well at least the house I was staying at. Then I realized that Edward and James had been in the back of the car the whole time.
“Don’t you guys say anything to anyone about what you heard tonight.”
They both looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders, and then went back to looking forward. There was no way I was going to let anyone find out about what had happened to Jane. That was the last thing that girl needed and besides if word got out whom would she blame? That’s right. Me. And I’m still trying to get on her good side mind you. Which for some reason I had a feeling even though things tonight had gone some what smoothly, there were going to be some difficult days ahead of us.

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