Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Chapter Two of Remember Me

Chapter Two
“Jane-Elizabeth Swan, if you are not ready in five minutes I’m leaving without you!”
Gosh five more minutes is all I’m asking, I turned over to look at the clock, besides school won’t start for another hour. Of course that never stops my mom. Every single Monday it’s the same thing. We always go to breakfast. Why you may ask? Mother/daughter bonding time. Yeah I know that’s what I said.
Anyways, so every Monday my wonderful mother drags me out of bed just to take me to some old and creepy looking Waffle House to talk about what’s going on in my life because she claims she is concerned for my well being. Yeah I know what you’re thinking; she isn’t concerned she is just a mother being nosey. Which is what I told her and so she assumes I am up to something immoral. Immoral? What the heck is that suppose to mean? It’s like it is all my fault I actually have a LIFE!
And today was just like every other day.
“Jane-Elizabeth I’m going to leave with or without you in ten minutes, and I’ll take YOUR car with me. So you better get yourself out of bed right now and down these stairs in ten minutes.”
So it’s threats now huh? And she better not take me car anywhere. Fine I’ll get out of bed, I rolled over one last time as I threw my legs off the bed and onto my cold, smooth, hard wood floor. Feeling the cool September wind blow through my balcony doors I decided that today would be a good day. I mean one can always tell if it will be a good day just based on the weather.
I decided to hurry and get ready. Might as well not refuse my mother, especially when my car is at stake here. So I pulled on some Lucky jeans and an orange polo while I put my hair up in a pony tail. This mess was getting too long to wear down everyday. But Jason loved it long and I had to admit I look pretty good with long hair. Anyways, after I was done getting ready for the day I walked down the steps to see my mother, surprisingly though she was rather happy to see me.
“Oh, honey, orange really is your color you know. I just love the way it looks against your skin tone. Now lets see, you up for some waffles?”
Ok, I just left the real world and have now entered the world of my mother, I thought to myself as I tired to look happy about the waffles. I guess my mom didn’t know about my new diet I was on. We walked outside and over to my car to begin our bonding time together. Thankfully I was able to stop any conversation as we entered into my car by drowning out her voice with my music. Sadly though waffle house didn’t have a drive through window.
Breakfast with mom was like breakfast with an interrogator. Sure she would start off with the easy questions, “How are you?” “How is school?” “How are your friends?”, but then we always ended up on the conversation of my relationship with Jason. It was none of her business what I did with him but still she asked me every Monday how things were with him and what we were doing. Could she just move on? No, she couldn’t, after all she was a “concerned” mother. As soon as we got our food I hurried to scarf it down so I could leave. I was tired of sitting there having to listen to my mother go on about staying pure. I was pure and she knew it but she never trusted me when I told her I was a virgin. How could she not believe me though seriously?
Finally I was free to leave and I hurried off to school. I was actually excited about going to school today, but mainly because any place was better than being with my mom. Seeing that I was running late due to the fact that my mother talked way to much I wasn’t able to see Jason, which made me mad. Then I ran into Catherine again in the hallway. She wanted to share with me her new skirt. I told her it was cute and then now realizing I had a minute to get to class sprinted off to my calculus class. I had way too many tardies in that class and if I got one more Mr. Banner was going to some how “punish” me. Yeah, I know, whatever.
I made it in the door just in time and Mr. Banner wasn’t in the class room anyways. Which was a plus for me. I took my seat and pulled out my book. A few seconds later Mr. Banner opened the door holding a stack of papers.
“Good morning class, pop quiz day,” Mr. Banner happily told the class. There was a united “ugh” through out the class as everyone started to clear their desk. “Oh, and Miss Swan, I would like to see you after class.”
Everyone turned and looked at me. What did this guy want now? I rolled my eyes and then grabbed the pop quiz from Jimmy King sitting in front of me.
The quiz wasn’t that hard but I hated math so with my hatred of math comes something else. I suck at math. It’s something I’ve grown to deal with, especially when I could go home and get any answer I needed from my dad. But why did Mr. Banner want to see me after class? I hadn’t done anything wrong from what I could remember and last time I checked I was passing his class. Well barely, but I wasn’t failing. At least I didn’t think I was. Class flew by and soon the bell rang.
“Miss Swan front and center please.”
I got up from my desk and headed to the front of the class room where Mr. Banner was waiting for me at his desk. The best way to handle this would most likely be to act polite to the man. Besides this could be anything right? Mr. Banner was in charge of the student council so maybe he wanted to talk about arranging a meeting. I was after all student body president. That definitely was it. It had to be.
“Yes, Mr. Banner, what’s up?”
“Miss Swan, do you know what your grade is in this class?”
Great it did have to do with grades.
“Well, last time I checked I had a 70 I believe. Is something wrong?”
“Miss Swan your grade has dropped five points.”
Five points? But then that would mean…
“You’re failing Miss Swan. And with failing a class then you can no longer be student body president. Also I believe that cheerleading will be taken away from you as well,” Mr. Banner had that sick grin on his face.
“You’re telling me this now? Why didn’t you warn me that I was failing?”
“What would you have done? Get your father to do your homework like you have in the past.”
This man was sick. Evil. He could not just take everything I had away from me. No, I wouldn’t let him.
“You can’t do this to me, Mr. Banner, you can’t.”
“Actually, Miss Swan, I can.”
There it was again. His stupid little grin.
I stormed out of the room and headed for my locker. What was I suppose to do now? He had taken everything from me. Would they ever be given back? Nope. Of course not. Mr. Banner was evil and out to get me. And why you may ask? Because my father helps me? That had to be the reason. I couldn’t figure anything else out.


“Hey, Henry, give me a hand will you?”
Edward was cooking. This had to be good. I walked into the kitchen but didn’t see what I thought I would. Edward was standing by the oven with a pizza box in his hand. Yes, people, Edward was asking for my help to make a pizza. He was never much of a cook though. I walked over to my brother and grabbed the pizza from his hands.
“How is it that you can hunt, fish, and play any sport you life, but when it comes to heating up a little pizza you’re lost?”
“Hey,” Edward began to say as he covered a laugh, “You know that cooking was never good for me. It makes me nervous.”
“Oh and staring a bear in the face isn’t nerve racking at all?”
“Exactly. Now can you make the pizza? I’m so hungry.”
“Sure thing,” I opened the box and the pizza slid out. Then I set the oven for 350 degrees and turned around. Edward was sitting on the stole by the counter looking at a hunting magazine.
“Oh hey,” I looked back at my brother to see what he wanted, “What on earth caused you to go talk to Jane-Elizabeth Swan on Sunday?” He had said her name as if it was a curse word.
“Oh that’s who that was. I don’t know just felt like talking to her I guess.”
“Well don’t get your hopes up, big brother, she’s taken. Besides she is also a spoiled brat rich kid that has her nose so high up in the air that she doesn’t even know where she is going.”
Something was telling me that Edward did not like this Jane girl. In fact I would even go as far as saying things weren’t good between them. Maybe they had dated before? Who knew? I mean with Edward anything is possible. And besides he is only 18 years old and Jane looked at least 17 maybe 16.
“Hmm. Did something go on between you two?”
“Are you kidding me? I’d never date that freak even if my life depended on it.”
“Edward, be reasonable. The girl isn’t a freak.”
“Fine. But she is a brat.”
“Well, keep it to yourself.”
The oven beeped so I turned around to place the pizza in before Edward ate the counter.
“You never told me why you were talking to her though.”
“Yes I did. I just felt like talking to her.”
“Cause she’s pretty?”
“No. Because I thought God wanted me to talk to her.”
“Well she didn’t want anything to do with you.”
“I’ll get through to her eventually. Besides, Ed, I got a whole year ahead of me.”
“I knew it. You like her don’t you? Don’t you?”
“Please. And stop acting like a five year old.”
I quickly escaped upstairs to my room before Edward got anything else out of me. I wasn’t going to tell any one about what God had told me. Well at least not yet.

1 comment:

Stephen Lane said...

4th paragraph from the top should say:

my car is at "stake"


at "state"

Luv ya!