Wednesday, June 18, 2008

hey guys!

ok just so everyone knows whats going on here let me explain.
i'm a writer and so i write...ALOT
and i used to post the things i wrote on my myspace
but then i decided to make my own blog where all my writings could be...
so hence forth here you go...
everything i write i will post here
and for those of you who use to read my blog on myspace...sry
i decided to switch locations!
i will though have a link on my myspace in my about me that will take you here!
hope you enjoy what i write
and remember to always check it out to see if i've written anything else!

love ya guys and miss yall tons!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

okay bek, i just read all the chapters you've posted so far....and they're pretty much AMAZING!! =) i love you! you need to keep the chapters coming!!